Here i will discuss where to go to get to specific area's throughout battlekingdom 3.0.
Armour Salesmen - Assault Minigame. Zaff - Dagganoth Area. Nurmof - Rock Crab Area. Herquin - Barrows Brothers. Sigbert The Adventurer - Tzhaar Caves. Pirate Jackie The Fruit - Pest Control. Bob - Fun Pk Area. (Do not lose items) Barker - Cave. (Get Gmauls Here)
In other news... General Grandoor hp was highered because people were able to solo him. His HP is currently 2000 now the purpose is because a clan is exposed to kill him.
Also, the bug inwhich the players didn't get the tickets in fun pk is now solved aswell.
Also the thieving stalls were added to lumbridge to earn money.
restart server pls, herquin (general shop) is bugged, if you trade with him you disconnect. The most stuff in shops are 0.. Varrock sucks with all the monsters, so restart it pls
there is a bug with the friend list, if i add somebody he relogging and the friend is deleted. i can't also log in with me acc, i logged out and now is read: you account is already logging. there are to much bugs for playing now, that's sad.